Thursday 13 May 2010

Please don't ask me that

It was a usual start to the day combined with a slightly unusual question from SSC. "Mummy, when are you going to have another baby?" "Not yet." "Oh. But can you please show me the special place where the baby comes out?". WHAT??????????? "no. " "But Mummy why? I came out of it once so I must have seen it." Where do you go with that? The logic of a 4 year old.

We had a take away curry last night that I was too slummy to clear up before going to bed. I came out of the shower to find SSC eating cold curry for breakfast. This wouldn't have happened as I had a bath last night to try to save time this morning so that we could read together. But when I woke up I had total bed hair and just couldn't face taking him to school looking as odd as I did. So instead of looking odd my child had leftover korma for breakfast. Note to self: I must not care so much about my appearance and care more about my child's nutrition. But I can't really say I blame him - after dropping him at school I polished off the rest for my breakfast....

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